Pemancingan Taman Air 1000 is
located in the hamlet Mangun Suparnan, Janti village , district Polanharjo,
Klaten . Fishing is the culinary tourist ten and not far from the Klaten city.
If we want to go there we can use all type of transportations. Location is very
strategic, so it’s not hard to find these fishing. The place also offers very
exotic fishing locations.
Not only are the fish specialties
offered Pemancingan Taman Air 1000. Visitor can fish for the dishes ordered.
Various menus are very diverse, ranging from catfish, snapper, tilapia, bawal
and many others. Traveler can just choose the menu choices they want. And
course at reached price. While the variety of drinks are also varied ranging
from tea, soft drinks, beras kencur , gula asem, tamarind, soda excited, and
many other options. And in here also there are swimming pool and various water
boom equipped for children.
Around this place is famous for its
green areas and many have a source of natural spring water so it is not
surprising that flows in the river was sometimes so clear. Wonderful stretch
the rice fields. Trees are that shade. And there was the sound of gurgling
rivers that in turn make people comfortable if in here. And the air is cool and
even when the weather hot but in here stay cool.
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